Imagination: the experience

I was so pleased with the latest testimonial I received for Imagination Session®. “Dawn led us through the most delightful few hours of imagining; she has a unique process and our group was able to work together to find hilarity and truth as well as some truly contemplative moments.”

I’m grateful for these observations; they teach me something, that the impact of these sessions is as I had hoped. I want you to laugh as you connect with the joy and freedom of reaching for the essence, the core of what it is to be human, to imagine.

And I, too, feel the contemplative moments she mentioned, when after all our mind wandering, we slow things down and consider what we’ve accomplished.

Interestingly, science confirms the intricate link between mood and creativity. Neuroscientists have discovered we are most creative when we’re happy. A mind loaded down with concerns and the busy-ness of life has little excess space to allow in imaginings. Lighten the load and add some laughter for a different and more positive and productive outcome.

If you follow your imagination, nurture it, allow it to grow, you might, one day, have the most extraordinary idea. And then ask yourself, ‘what if…’

What if you made it happen?

Dawn Adams

Dawn Adams is a Griffith University Industry Fellow and Imagination Session® Founder. After reconnecting with her imagination in lockdowns, she now shares its many benefits through experiential sessions.

From a crisis, big things grow … when we imagine


Imagination: we need it now