By Dawn Adams

Imagination Session® Founder and Griffith University Industry Fellow

In lockdowns, I turned to my imagination to see the world differently. Here was the beginning of my journey into imagination coaching and exploring this unique skill through the lens of neuroscientists, psychologists, business analysts, philosophers and more. 

I soon understood; imagination is good for us. Not just to make us smile but also to hone professional skills, become better leaders, and to enable us to grow our businesses.

Imagination gifts us a window to ideas generation, creativity and innovation. And the best part? We all have an imagination.

Imagine that!

In lockdowns, I’d not yet done my extensive research into its powers. What I did notice, at that early stage, was that by going on adventures (all in my mind), I would return to ‘real’ life energised, happy, more optimistic.

So I walked away from old ambitions for this simple reason; to share imagination, to add a little joy into someone’s life.

That was before I turned to the books, to the academic studies, to the scholarly articles that told me imagination offered so much more.

“In lockdowns, I turned to my imagination to see the world differently.

I soon discovered that my imaginings made me smile, laugh, be more optimistic.

That’s when I began my research and learnt there was so much more.”

  • Dawn Adams

I began to explore imagination through the lens of educators, psychologists, neuroscientists, philosophers, researchers, and consultancies to global businesses.

And I discovered imagination is extraordinary.

Every idea, every innovation, every advancement for humankind begins with an idea from someone’s imagination.

There began my wonderings; could imagination be called upon for the benefit of humankind.

So grew my ambition; to share imagination with you.

“If we harness the power of imagination, what might we achieve?”

- Dawn Adams

Imagination coach Dawn Adams

Founder Dawn Adams is an Industry Fellow in Griffith University’s Menzies Health Institute QLD.

She is also an imagination coach, speaker, happiness coach, educator and writer.

Her mission, since the pandemic started, has been to find ways to make our everyday lives lighter, happier. And to discover how imagination can help us to prosper in every way.

To learn more about her professional life, check out her LinkedIn profile.

Access her speaking profile on Keynoteworthy here.